Hawaiian Culture
What you should know if you are a visitor.
Respect before Relaxation.
Understanding Hawaiian culture before visiting the islands is essential to show respect and aloha (love and compassion) for the land, people, and traditions. By learning about Hawaii's rich history, language, customs, and values, visitors can avoid unintentionally disrespecting the local community, misappropriating cultural practices, or disrupting sacred sites. Instead, they can engage meaningfully with the community, appreciate the island's unique spirit, and leave a positive impact on the place and its people. Click on the ‘Hawaiian Culture’ button above to learn more!
Understand the pain, honor the healing process.
Before visiting Hawaii, it's essential to delve into the rich and complex history of its culture. You can start by tapping on the above portrait of Queen Lili’ uokalani, The last Queen of Hawaii, to read a summary of her reign.
By understanding the islands' storied past, including the Native Hawaiian people's struggles, traditions, and resilience, visitors can approach their trip with empathy, respect, and a deeper appreciation for the land and its people. This knowledge helps to dispel stereotypes and misconceptions, allowing visitors to engage meaningfully with the local community, appreciate the significance of cultural sites and practices, and honor the heritage of this incredible place. By doing so, visitors can help to foster a more inclusive and respectful tourism experience, one that prioritizes the preservation of Hawaiian culture and supports the Native community. Click on the ‘Hawaiian History’ button below to learn more!
Visit with care.
Yes, you could move to Hawaii, but would that be ethical?
Countless tourists come to Hawaii and don’t want to leave after their visit, and so they never do. Can you imagine having a guest that never went home? Many states from the mainland ship their homeless population to the Big Island assuming their chances of outdoor survival will be better. These are two major problems that are currently taking a strenuous toll on the natives and the land. Tap on the ‘Effects of Tourism’ button below to learn more.